Our Services

1.Job Matching

The primary service of Futurism Global Solution Ltd. is matching skilled job seekers with suitable job opportunities abroad. This involves understanding the qualifications, skills, and preferences of candidates and the requirements of employers.

2.International Recruitment

We specialize in sourcing, vetting, and placing international talent to meet your specific job requirements.

3.Visa and Immigration Support

We assist candidates with visa applications, work permits, and other legal requirements for overseas employment.

4.Cultural Orientation

Our services include providing cultural orientation to both candidates and clients, ensuring smooth integration into foreign work environments.

5.Relocation Services

We offer relocation assistance to candidates, including housing, transportation, and settling-in support.

6.Language and Cultural Training

For candidates moving to a country with a different language or culture, we offer language and cultural training to help them adapt to their new environment.

7.Compliance and Legal Guidance

We provide guidance on international labor laws and ensure compliance with regulations in the host country.